Offering & Tithing
In order to sustainability maintain our commitment to Extravagant Generosity, we are called as a church family to be good stewards of the gifts, offerings and tithes made by individual members.
We are committed to transparency in our church finances. Please contact the church office for information on the Finance Committee or to ask any questions on church finances.
There are many convenient ways to make your offering, whether you prefer to give weekly, monthly or yearly.
We traditionally 'pass the plate' each Sunday and an offering box is located in the Breezeway, but online giving is a convenient way to give without having to remember to grab the checkbook every Sunday.
Make a secure one-time donation or set up a recurring donation here on our site, or through your online banking.
When you give through our site, it is free for you, but the church pays a processing fee of 3% of your gift. When you give through your bank, there is no processing fee for the church.
Our online giving is processed through Vanco, a secure third-party site.