We Are Small Groups
United Women in Faith
The entire program and organization of United Women in Faith focuses on mission.
Our mission initiatives include:
Providing opportunities to grow spiritually
Equipping women & girls to be leaders
Providing transformative educational experiences
Organizing for growth & flexibility
Working for justice through service & advocacy
UWF Scholarship
The UWF Scholarship is available to any member or constituent of FUMC who is a high school graduate or adult pursuing higher education during the following year. Scholarships can be applied to any accredited institute of higher learning (community college, trade school, traditional 4-year college, graduate program, certification programs, etc.).
Download UWF 2024 Scholarship Application
UWF Meetings
FUMC UMW Potluck Luncheon & General Meetings - 1st Thursdays, 11:45am, Wesley Room (no meetings over the summer)
FUMC Evening Group - 1st Thursdays, 6:30pm, Contact office for location
United Women in Faith page
Resistance Exercise
This is a program for resistance exercise to promote strength and health for seniors. All seniors are invited Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 9:30-10:30 am. Dress in comfortable clothing. All equipment is provided.
Contact the church office for more information.
TThis group is made up of men who enjoy sports and outdoor recreation. The group typically meets on the 1st and 3rd Thursday evenings of each month in members' homes to discuss current issues of interest. The group also meets for sports or other recreation events.
Radical Hospitality
Radical Hospitality and Liturgical Ministers is comprised of the Acolytes, Communion Servers, Greeters, Lay-Readers, and Ushers.
Acolytes light the Table Candles at the services. The role is open to youth from 4th grade through high school.
Communion Servers assist the minister with serving the elements of communion (bread, gluten-free bread, and grape juice in a communal cup and individual cups) on the first Sunday of the month at the service time of their choice.
Greeters and Ushers greet at the door, distribute bulletins and new visitor booklets, and welcome new visitors. They also take up the offering and address any special needs of those in attendance. Ushers also minister during the week for special events such as memorial services.
Liturgists assist the minister with worship services, reading the opening prayer, the scripture, praying over our offering and announcing hymns at the service time of their choice. Scripts are provided in advance.
Radical Hospitality meets on the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 10:15am. Attendance at the Radical Hospitality meeting is not required to serve as an acolyte, communion server, greeter/usher or lay-reader.
Faith Explorers
This group is not about what to believe but is instead a springboard for conversation about what's next for those who follow Jesus. Please join us Monday nights from 7-8:30PM in the Wesley Room.
Contact Tom Johnson.
New Beginnings
This group is for women who have lost their spouses. We pray for and support each other. We meet on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month at 11:30am for lunch at different restaurants. Contact Doris Forney or the church office for details.
Thursday Breakfast Group
A morning breakfast group for couples and singles.
We meet Thursday mornings at 7AM at the Red Hut Cafe for devotions and discussion.
Stephen Ministry
Stephen Ministry is a Christian caring ministry to persons in need. Stephen Ministers are trained lay people who are committed to providing one-on-one, quality care for a person in need. This might mean listening to and being with a person who is in a time of loneliness, new parenthood, illness, hospitalization, grief or other crisis situation. For information on how to connect with a Stephen Minister call the church office.
Stephen Ministry Small Group
This is an on-going instructional course meeting in a small group format in order to provide trained lay ministers for one-on-one Christian care as Stephen ministers. Approval is required to begin the 50 week training. Contact Rev. Maggie or Marcia Bernard for more information on becoming a Stephen Minister or connecting with a Stephen Minister.
Click here to learn more about Stephen Ministry
United Methodist Men
Helping men grow in Christ, so others may know Christ"
UMM Men's meetings are currently suspended.
United Methodist Men page
tuesday morning mens group
This group meets at 7 AM each Tuesday morning At Red Hut for the purpose of fellowship and Bible study. This is a great way for men of our church to connect with each other. It is a great way for new men to become a part of our church. Each week there is a caring time when the group exchanges prayer requests and prays together. . Contact the church office for more information..
Apoyo Group
This is a Fourth Day mutual support group for those who have gone through the Dias con Cristo program. Contact the office for details.
Women's Bible Study
We meet once a week to focus on intentional faith development. The group conduct an informal Bible study (drop-ins welcome!) and meets Thursday mornings in the Jordan Room at 9:15AM. Contact Terri Gagnier.
Prayer Shawl Ministry
The small group (PSM) knits and crochets shawls for women, lap robes for men and hats for anyone who is ill, bereaved, or suffering any problem. The group meets twice monthly and focuses on extravagant generosity, and is always open to new members. Contact Barbara Moss for more information.
Tai Chi
This gentle form of exercise brings you to a meditative, prayerful place. New students are welcome twice a year, watch newsletters and announcements for dates. Class meets Tuesdays at noon in the Wesley Room.
Reader's Theater
This group studies classical and contemporary plays with ethical and moral themes and questions. The mission is to present readings of selected plays in the church with advertised invitation to the community. Contact the church office to join.